
Open letter // Social Media and Personal Branding

Murni Studio Mentoring

I’ve been reflecting on how I want to show up on social media. If you know me, you’re aware that it’s not something I’m particularly fond of. I love capturing moments, but also love to keep most of these for myself. So, you can imagine the challenge of building an online business while sharing only a small part of my life.

I’ve been asking myself: What do I want to contribute here? How do I want people to feel when they engage with my content? What value do I want to share with my online community? And most importantly, what kind of relationships do I want to attract and build here?

I struggle with this because I never intended for my business to be about me. It has always been, and continues to be, about how I can help you. My focus is on empowering you.

So where I see true authenticity lying is:

Post highlights and wins alongside losses.

Share client results, with consent, and only with context on the process it took to get there.

Avoid caving into the trend of sharing daily routines, they rarely inspire and commonly invite comparison or feelings of self-judgement.

So, how do you navigate this in 2024, where personal brands are often seen as the key to building a community?

I’m not entirely sure! I, just like you, are trying, testing, mixing things up until it feels right. And when it doesn’t I change it again and again.

But one thing is for sure;

I want to build genuine relationships with people from all around the world. I love connecting with others, sharing stories, getting to know you on a deeper level.

If this sounds like you, I’d love to see you over in my inbox community. This is where I write, share, and offer a whole lot more than I do anywhere else.

Feel free to join, it’s free and is a space for you to write to me too, and share your thoughts, you’re always welcome. Sign up here

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